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It's Time To Put All False Preachers Out of Business

By Connie Giordano

"The hearts that are tenderest towards the wandering sheep will be severest against the seducing shepherd who leads them astray." - Encyclopedia of Sermon Illustrations
Imagine God Almighty referring to you as being "blind," "ignorant," "lying down," and "loving to slumber." Or suppose He would call you a "dumb" dog that "cannot bark," a "greedy" dog, a "shepherd that cannot understand," "a blind leader of the blind," or "a snare of a fowler." Or, to top it off, He accuses you of looking to your "own way," shutting up the kingdom of heaven to others, devouring widows' houses, making converts who turn out to be twice the child of Hell than yourself, or causing people "to err" from the Truth by your bad example.
These are the derogatory remarks which God has for any and all False Prophets.
It doesn't sound like He is too pleased with these kind of folk!
And, as His people, neither should we be! 
Yet, so many "Christians" are deceived into following and supporting such kind with their tithes and offerings on a regular basis. Because they do not initially recognize the horns, tail, or pitchfork -  so to speak - they simply do not believe that these "nice," slick-talking, charismatic preachers could possibly be of Satan.
As members of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, we all need to stop and ask ourselves one serious question - Whose side are we on when we pump finances into a ministry that is raised up by demonic spirits to turn many away from Jesus in the end? From the start, these ministries may appear to be doing a "great work for God," but in the end, they lead multitudes to eternal destruction  through their error and false and sinful ways.
Proverbs 14:12 says - "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
It behooves us to know where our dollars are going for we shall all give a very sobering account on the Day of Judgment before the One Whose eyes are as a Flame of Fire for the way in which we handled the talent of resources that He assigned to each one of us. 
Philippians 3:18 - Do we actually know what these False Preachers are plotting and planning? They are "the enemies of the cross of Christ" who are sent on a mission by the devil to cause many to miss heaven and to end up in Hell through their deceitful ways. Resultantly, they are never to be esteemed or even supported with God's tithe!
Through their loose-living and lascivious and perverted ways, they wish to offer a "Holiness-Free" Gospel which consists of a Wide Gate and a Broad Way and welcomes any and all into the Kingdom.
Jeremiah 23:14 - Oftentimes, they are involved in adultery or some blatant sin of the flesh and "walk in lies." It is no surprise then that their message is one that strengthens "the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness."
Is this the kind of preacher God calls into the ministry?
One who neglects to warn and rebuke sinners or backsliders and winks at, encourages, or excuses sin?  
Absolutely Not!
From the very start, God calls all of His preachers to be "watchmen."
Isaiah 52:8 says of the "watchmen" that they are to "lift up the voice."
Isaiah 58:1 - The Prophet Isaiah prophesied the mission of every preacher with these words from God - "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."
In other words, with a full, loud, and strong voice, they are to vehemently and earnestly cry out to the people of God, rebuking and reproving any who are walking in sin before a Holy God.
Ezekiel 3:17 - Their job is to "hear the word" at God's mouth, and then give the people a "warning" from Him.
Isaiah 52:8 tells us that they are to "see eye to eye." What that means is that they are to see clearly, distinctly, openly, and manifestly. It speaks of having great discernment.
Since their job entails watching over God's flock, they need to be aware at all times of the presence of any danger or alarm, possibly resulting from some in the congregation giving place to the devil in their lives through sin or the works of the flesh.
Isaiah 56:10 - What a far cry these preachers are to the "watchmen" whom the Prophet describes as being "blind," "ignorant,""dumb dogs" that "cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber." These False Prophets do not "see eye to eye." They are willingly "blind" to the existence of any prevailing sins in the people because they themselves are corrupt in soul and spirit.
Isaiah 56:10 - They are "ignorant."
Isaiah 56:11 - They are "shepherds that cannot understand."
They are not aware of the people's deep spiritual needs because they are too busy looking "to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter."
They are too preoccupied with their own private interests to be concerned about the spiritual well-being of others. 
Their main emphasis in their preaching, teaching, and lifestyle is Money! Money! Get More Money!
Instead of voicing their cries for repentance like loud, sounding trumpets; they are likened to "dumb dogs" which "cannot" or will not "bark." 
Luke 3:7 - A voice of warning to the people to "flee from the wrath to come" never leaves their lips.
Isaiah 56:11 - They may be "dumb dogs," but it doesn't stop them from being "greedy dogs which can never have enough..." Instead of feeding the flock of God with the Truth, they fleece them by manipulating them for their tithes and offerings in order to sustain their own sensual, carnal, and insatiable indulgences.  
They have no discernment - that which is needed to distinguish between the precious and the vile.
Isaiah 29:10 - Because they love the Darkness of Sin more than the Light of Truth, God has drenched them with "the spirit of deep sleep" whereby they are given over to strong delusions and spiritual blindness, sluggishness, and stupidity.
Matthew 23:15 - All those who follow them  become twice as wicked as they are - "twofold more the child of hell..."
Hosea 9:8; Matthew 15:14 -They slowly and assuredly become ensnared by the error and crookedness of these False Leaders and follow them to the very pit they are headed themselves - "...the prophet is a snare of a fowler in all his ways..." "...And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
Jeremiah 23:13 - The Prophet Jeremiah said it well - "And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused My people Israel to err."
There is "folly" in some of the Preachers of our day as well.
Through their money-loving ways, their licentious and lawless lifestyles, and their refusal to "burn" sin in their preaching - they are causing multitudes to go astray.
It's time that they are put out of business.
May all of God's sheep cry out to the Lord for the discernment needed to detect a wolf when they see one.
Adam Clarke said it this way - "He who has the Bible in his hand, or within his reach, and can read it, has no excuse."
Copyright 2005 by Connie Giordano


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